Brief Summary
Nestled in the pines of Lake George sits a quiet, country church. In 1948, a small group of dedicated souls joined together to form Trinity Lutheran Church. Strong in spirit and grounded in Scripture, we are members of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. We are located right on Highway 71, near the west end of Lake George.
Since our beginning, several pastors have served us with their knowledge and inspiration from the Word of God. Pastor Philip Houser is currently serving our parish. Our parish participates in numerous benefits for local folks with various needs each year. We are also involved in a mission project in Haiti where a church, a school and a medical clinic are being built. Some of our families have “adopted” Haitian students and are paying for their schooling. Our ladies actively participate in the Lutheran Woman’s Missionary League by making quilts and are involved in many other activities. Each fall our annual “Hunters Supper” attracts many locals and visitors alike to a home-cooked turkey dinner.
We believe it is the will of our Lord Jesus Christ that His disciples should preach the Gospel to the whole world; that Christ’s mission for His church might be carried out according to His will; and that Christians unite in worship, practice fellowship with one another, witness to all men, help each other to grow in the Word and see the needs of all men in Christian love.
The Christian family is alive and flourishing in our congregation. We extend an invitation to join us each Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. for Divine Service. We especially look forward to meeting and welcoming folks vacationing in our area. A coffee/roll fellowship time follows the Sunday morning service. During the school year, Sunday School begins at 10:30 a.m. with a time of lessons and songs.

Story of our Beginning
The first Lutheran service to be conducted in Lake George was held on August 29, 1948 at 8 p.m. at the Lake George Town Hall, conducted by the Rev. Roland W. Going of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. He also served the parishes at Arago and Guthrie. By May, 1949, the growth warranted organization. The five charter who signed the Constitution were: Ole Qualley, Olaf Qualley, Edwin Jensen, and Invard Hindberg. Other charter members were Mrs. Ole Qualley, Mrs. Kenneth Qualley, and MR. and Mrs. Frank Cook. In July, 1949, Trinity Lutheran was incorporated according to the state laws. Services were held in the Lake George Town Hall until June of 1950, and then was moved to the parsonage garage. The parsonage properties had been purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook in 1949 at the cost of $5200. Plans were already underway for a church on this same property, and ground breaking services were held July 9, 1950, and work started the next day. By the end of July, the basement was finished and top structure began. Head carpenters were James Jense and John Johannsen. Members of the building committee were: Kenneth Quallley, Axel Moberg, Ingvard Hindberg, and Rev. Going. The church was built at a cost of $5000 for everything except the furnishing. A loan was acquired through the Minnesota District of Missouri Synod. The Rev. and Mrs. Walter Melahn, who were chiefly instrumental in starting the church, supplied the chancel furnishings, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deubener furnished the chairs, pews, carpet, and the stained glass windows. Money raised by Deubeners "Church in the Pines" letters helped defray other expenses. Others that contributed so generously of time and money were the Ricter Brothers of St. Louis, Misssouri, James and Edwin Jensen, Kenneth and Olaf Qualley, Ingvard Hindberg, John Johannsen, John Bosell, Adel Dahl, Frank Loeffler, Nels, Axel and Roy Moberg, Abel Hove, and Rev. Going. Thus, the "Little Church in the Pines" was able to hold the dedication on October 15, 1950, with The Rev. Walter Melahn as guest speaker. At time of the dedication there were 54 baptized members, 32 communicant members, and 8 voting members.